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postdoc studying brains and networks and networks of the brain; consumer of bioRxiv and fine coffees; bash enthusiast; user of HPC to study some HCP brains
I’m a postdoc in the Section on Functional Imaging Methods (aka Peter Bandettini’s group) at the NIMH. I work on edgy fMRI - thinking about ways to model brain’s functional patterns in space and time and how we might represent our data in nice formats that computers can crunch and churn.
I completed my Ph.D. in 2021 under the supervision of Olaf Sporns at Indiana University and I did a postdoc year jointly with the Brain Networks & Behavior Lab (aka BetzelLab) and the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (aka SpornsLab). With this background, I would say that I’m part of a scientific community that examines brain architecture through the lens of network science (+’graph theory’) and its applications. In other words, we attempt to comprehend the complexities of that oxygen-hungry jello-like blob sloshing around in our csf-swimming pool (a.k.a skull) by conceptualizing it as a network of finely wired neurological components. An advantage of our network neuroscience approach is that we can attempt to clarify “complex organization” with intuitive algorithms and operations. My grad work was supported by an NSF GRFP, the IU graduate school, and the psych department.
Check out my Github for scripts, code, and data related to these endeavors (projects on community detection in brain networks here and here! Also, some edgy tools here and here and here). I’ve also been compiling a list of openly-available brain network data, for all of us to enjoy.
I studied neuro- and cog- science (and minored in marketing…go figure) at the University of Southern California (2014), and helped out in the Emotion and Cognition Lab. Following undergrad, I made the trek westward on the I-10 to Marina del Rey, where I worked as a research assistant at the USC Imaging Genetics Center under the mentorship of Neda Jahanshad. Here I assisted on a wide range of mri projects (including Enigma), picked up sage guidance and advice, and an affinity for bash scripting.
I hail from Orange County, CA. It’s a nice place with a very enjoyable shoreline. I’m an admirer of modern architecture, vectorfunk, music videos (esp. from the homeslices back in LA), and Google Earth. Additionally, I am fond of coffee, cheese, spy novels, prog-rock, trivial sports statistics, watchin’ sports, grillin’ burgers, Tottenham Hotspur, buying books, pub trivia, Insta filters, atlas obscura, and sour beer.
An interview I gave for the LA Times (1998) : )
Apparently, I’m on a wall in Leavy Library
Some of the art that I did back in high school